

上海外国语大学英语学院将于2012年4月22―24日(周五至周日)举办音系学国际研讨会。会议主题为“借词音系学及干扰”(Loanword Phonology and Transfer);会议分组讨论,各小组议题如下:
  1. 普通音系学与语音学(General phonology and phonetics)
  2. 借词音系学(Loanword Phonology)
  3. 英语二语习得的发音教学与干扰研究(Pronunciation teaching in EFL and transfer in L2-acquisition)
  4. 中国语言音系学与语音学(Phonology and phonetics of Languages Spoken in China)
  5. 上海方言描述与分析(不限于音系学及语音学)(The description and analysis of Shanghainese,not limited to phonology and phonetics)
  6. 接口研究(音系学、语音学、形态学、句法学、语义学等)(Interface studies,phonology/morphology, phonology/semantics, etc.)
  7. 声调与语调(Tone and intonation)
  8. 文体学和语用学中的语音学、音系学(Phonetics and Phonology in Stylistics and Pragmatics)







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电话: 86-021-35372433,86-021- 67701355

传真: 86-021- 55395556














Call for Papers

International Conference on Phonology and Phonetics

Shanghai International Studies University


The College of English Language and Literature at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) will host an International Conference on Phonology and Phonetics from April 22-24, 2012 (Friday?Sunday). The general conference theme is “Loanword Phonology and Transfer”, but panel discussions will focus on a variety of topics:


  1. 1.      General phonology and phonetics
  2. 2.      Loanword Phonology
  3. 3.      Pronunciation teaching in EFL and transfer in L2-acquisition
  4. 4.      Phonology and phonetics of Languages Spoken in China
  5. 5.      The description and analysis of Shanghainese (not limited to phonology and phonetics)
  6. 6.      Interface studies (phonology/morphology, phonology/semantics, etc.)
  7. 7.      Tone and intonation
  8. 8.      Phonetics and Phonology in Stylistics and Pragmatics

(Panels will be merged if there are fewer than 10 participants)


A number of well-known international scholars will be invited to deliver keynote speeches (to be announced). The working language of the conference will be English. The conference fee will be 700 RMB (non-SHISU postgraduates: half price; SHISU graduates: free). In addition, participants will pay for their own travelling fares and accommodation. SISU will make available a list of bookable hotels and other accommodation during the conference.


Abstracts for papers (200-300 words, including title, name, institution and key words) and registration forms (see below) should reach us by email before March 1, 2012. Please indicate clearly which panel your paper is intended for. After the conference, a small number of papers presented at the conference will be invited for publication (apart from the abstracts booklet, there will be no conference publication).


College of English Language and Literature

Shanghai International Studies University

Organizing Committee for International Conference on Phonology and Phonetics

200083, Shanghai, China


Contact person: (Mr.) WAN Xiaolei万小磊

E-Mail: engdept@shisu.edu.cn

Tel.: 86021- 35372433, 86021- 67701355

Fax: 86021- 55395556

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Registration Form (please copy, complete and send by email to engdept@shisu.edu.cn before March 1, 2012)

(please ensure the accuracy of your information so any announcements and letter of invitation can reach you on time):


Name                                               :

Title of presentation                       :

Institution                                       :

Address, incl. postal code               :

Email                                               :

Tel.                                                  :

Mobile                                             :

Panel choice (number)                     :  

联系我们/Contact us

学 院 地 址:安徽省合肥市经济技术开发区大学城丹霞路485号合肥工业大学翡翠湖校区科教楼A栋第15层

联 系 电 话 : 0551-62901716

学 院 邮 箱 : sfs@hfut.edu.cn

